Monday 23 September 2013

Tak payah baca.

Tak terpadam suis neuron malam ini, bukan kerana hiba aku terhadap kegagalan ujian duniawi semalam tapi...dia. Ah, lagi, si dia yang lagi seorang, inche', ingat senang ke nak lupa kesan cinta ? Cinta yang berbekas-bekas. Stains everywhere, every footsteps, the homeland... aku mengarut lagi.

tak, bukan angau cinta, tapi masalah question marks yang belum terungkai. Kalaulah merokok boleh hilangkan rasa rindu. Mau aku hembus tiap jam. Rindu, baru rindu. Apa kau lupa aku ada masalah zing ? ni lagi teruk. Tambah lagi bila hidup sorang-sorang. Unstable...

Her. #2

I have got some clue about... this, you know as I said in my previous post since I've decided to vomit all the question marks on a friend of mine, like the way he advised me, to stay low and do nothing about it, it feels like, does it goes to the best that I could do ? I don't think so, because he's one of her "victim". We're both different. He hasn't any deeper feelings towards her but I do. So, let's just keep his words in head and bear in my throat to use them if necessary. Things were like always, it's on and off. If everything goes slow in progress, I guess, just let me use my way, it's the last resort that I could do, I'll give her my band's shirt. Long sleeves grey gildan with some graphics at front, may remind her of me cuz it's my stuff maybe ? fuck it lar haha I'm sick of it all. Cheers, all these masalah perempuan shouldn't be the biggest polemic right now, final exams ahead ! Good luck to me.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Upcoming shows !

Her #1

I kinda hate this confusion. I chose this time to spill it now for a reason. Shall I go for her ? Day by day this kind of funny emotional swings, it's getting worst. It's just that maybe I'm too afraid of confronting this kind of situation where, okay let me start. I kind of... have maybe a little bit of, or maybe huge, idk it cycles too fast... to this girl that I was... unsure about her feeling. Sometimes it looks like there's hope but some other normal days she made me feels like no I'm just getting myself too excited for it. It's been months touching a year I wasn't in any sort of relationship that made me sum up that "if there's there then, it's there". But thing is now, is it really there ? shall I unlock the box ? Because at the timeline I had after my last break, I failed about various of time. So, the confident ain't there... What shall I do man, I'm out of time.

What's in her mind ?