Sunday 24 April 2011

OMG ! farhan merungut ! apa cerita ?

this is maaaaad~

hell yeah ! like, FUCK yeah ! why must 2011 ? why they choose 2011 to make their hell performance in malaysia ? why not next yearrrr ?! XO aku merungut bukan apa.. it's all bcuz this year i'm attending the Sijil Paling Mudah examination :'( all i have to do is study study and keep on study sampai lebamm. i got to slow down my playful habits, reduce on going gigs, slow down designing and burst up on studying. but, the first half 2011, aku sama je macam last year... mempunyai reputasi akademik yang sungguh terrible ! i still sleep, unconscious, never realized that i only got at least one and half month for SPM ! *tambah tolak semua* huhuhu.. like this year, Miss May I, Misery Index, Asking Alexandria, Dying Fetus, Alesana and all that *tak ingat band apa lagi yang turun* kalau boleh semua datang awal tahun kot ! it's all really stressed me up. like yeah dilemma yang terrible samada nak pergi or not. dah la tahun ni aku banyak gila pakai duit... huuhuuhu. DUIT DUIT DUIT ! it's all about monnay ! *okay aku tak kisah sangat si justin beaver tu datang malaysia* sumpah pokai wehh this year. nak menangis pun ada. huhuhuuhu T___T humm, plus aku dengar cerita Suicide Silence pun nak datang this year ? i was like, OOOOhhh !! Faaaaak !! mommy help mee... organizer pun dah start active dalam organizing gig-gig yang berwibawa tahun ini. KENAPA HARUS TAHUN INI ?! XOO hahaha, sedih tak cerita farhan. huhuhu~ these things is currently damaging my study brains. pergi gig was like a hobby and a must-go-event for me. pantang nampak flyers ! aiih~ and plus, this year my school'll organizing a battle of the band ! lagilah aku kena spend time on these stuff. huhuhuhu~ cambabo kan life this year ? deym ! the only solution is, THE ONLY ONLY ONLY solution is, mhmm bagi lappy, phone, radio semua kat mommy suruh dia simpan leklok dlam safe box dia. so what ? nak success rightt ? huhuhu, enough of these craps, i'm done. pray for meeee ! oh GOD give me hidayah dan kekuatan untuk teruskan hidupku yang agak sucks ini... Sobsobsobsobsob !

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